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周新星 副教授



周新星,男,1987年4月出生,副教授,硕士研究生导师,湖南大学博士,新加坡Nanyang Technological University博士后,长沙市杰出青年项目获得者,湖南师范大学世承人才计划-青年优秀人才,权威期刊《IEEE Photonics Journal》副主编、《Frontiers of Physics》青年编委、《Scientific Reports》编委、《SN Applied Sciences》编委、《激光与光电子学进展》青年编委,中国激光杂志社青年编委、湖南省光学学会副秘书长。获2021年教育部科技奖(自然科学二等奖,第三完成人),于2021- 2023年连续3次入选斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”,被权威期刊JPD编委会提名为2021年“青年领军人(Emerging Leaders)”。

在Laser & Photonics Reviews、Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy、Light: Science & Applications、Reports on Progress in Physics等光学与光电子学权威期刊上发表论文70余篇,被引用4200余次(Google Scholar),H因子31,其中单篇引用100次以上的论文12篇,单篇引用200次以上的论文6篇,ESI高被引论文5篇,被Reviews of Modern Physics、Nature Photonics、PRL等顶尖期刊正面引用30余篇次。担任包括PRL在内的40余种权威期刊的审稿专家、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、教育部学位论文评审专家、美国光学学会(Optica)相关项目评审专家、2023年武汉光博会《智能光子技术研讨会》共主席、2023年光学工程前沿交叉科学论坛《专题6:智能光学与光子学》程序委员会委员、2023年第六届光学青年科学家学术年会组织委员以及《专题二:光场调控》的共主席。


Email: xinxingzhou@hunnu.edu.cn








课题组氛围非常轻松,口碑不错,导师绝不会push大家按时打卡之类,要求员工态度端正、人品佳即可,并有上进心。此外,员工毕业可协助推荐读博或找工作,欢迎感兴趣的研究生或本科生加入Zhou Group。






1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2024-至今,主持,53万元)

2、 长沙市杰出青年项目(2021-至今,主持,30万元)

3、 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2017-2019,主持,20万元)

4、 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目(2017-2019,主持,5万元)

5、 湖南师范大学博士科研启动基金(2016-2020,主持,10万元)


22.Lijuan Sheng#,Xinxing Zhou#*, Yuhan Zhong, Xinyan Zhang, Yu Chen, Zhiyou Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen, and Xiao Lin*, “Exotic photonic spin Hall effect from a chiral interface,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200534 (2023). (SCI一区Top,IF=11)

21. Shuaijie Yuan#,Xinxing Zhou#*, Yu Chen#, Yuhan Zhong, Lijuan Sheng, Hao Hu, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*, “Breakdown of effective medium theory by a photonic spin Hall effect,”Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 66, 114212 (2023). (SCI一区Top,IF=6.4)

20. Lijuan Sheng#, Yu Chen#, Shuaijie Yuan#, Xuquan Liu, Zhiyou Zhang, Hui Jing*, Le-Man Kuang*, andXinxing Zhou*, “Photonic Spin Hall Effect: Physics, Manipulations, and Applications,”Progress in Quantum Electronics100484 (2023). (特邀综述,SCI一区Top,IF=11.7)

19. Yougang Ke,Yongfeng Bian, Qiang Tang, Jibo Tian, Linzhou Zeng*, Yu Chen, andXinxing Zhou*, “Rotational photonic spin Hall effect,” Nanophotonics (2023). (In press, SCI一区Top,IF=7.5)

18.Zuhai Ma, Zheng Lai, Shuai Lin, Jiahao Hong, Yu Chen*, andXinxing Zhou*, “Generalized Brewster angle-enhanced photonic spin Hall effect in an all-dielectric metasurface,”Optics Letters 48,3003 (2023).

17. Runze Li, Xiaoxi Cui*,Xinxing Zhou*, and Zhi-Ming Yu, “Anomalous spatial shifts in interface electronic reflection beyond linear approximation,”Physical Review B 108, 075149 (2023).

16.Zuhai Ma#,JiahaoHong#, Shuai Lin, Gan Wan, Rufei Long, Jiahao Wen,Xinxing Zhou*, and Yu Chen*, “Ultrawide and unidirectional enhancements of a photonic spin Hall effect in a tilted uniaxial crystal,”Optics Letters 48, 5811 (2023).

15. Shuaijie Yuan, Jin Yang, Yong Wang, Yu Chen*, and Xinxing Zhou*, “Highly Sensitive Temperature Sensing via Photonic Spin Hall Effect,”Progress in Electromagnetics Research 177, 21 (2023). (IF=6.7)

14. Zheng Lai, Shuai Lin, Youzhi Shi, Maoxin Li, Guangyou Liu, Bingbing Tian, Yu Chen*, andXinxing Zhou*, “Experimental demonstration of weak chirality enhancement by hybrid perovskite nanocrystals using photonic spin Hall effect,” Nanophotonics 11, 4245 (2022). (SCI一区Top,IF=7.5)

13. Zhihao Chen, Yu Chen, Yaodong Wu,Xinxing Zhou*, Handong Sun*, Tony Low, Hongsheng Chen, and Xiao Lin*, “Wide-angle giant photonic spin Hall effect,” Physical Review B 106, 075409 (2022).

12.Jin Yang, Shuaijie Yuan, Qianyang Li, Yu Chen*, andXinxing Zhou*, “Wide-range electrically tunable photonic spin Hall effect in a quasi-PT-symmetric structure,” Optics Letters 47, 4957 (2022).

11.Lijuan Sheng,Xinxing Zhou*, Yu Chen, Hong Zhang, andZhiyou Zhang*, “Role of in-plane shift in reconstructing the photonic spin Hall effect,”Optics Letters 47, 4778 (2022).

10. Zhihao Chen, Shuai Lin, Jiahao Hong, Lijuan Sheng, Yu Chen*, andXinxing Zhou*, “Enhanced photonic spin Hall effect via singularity induced by destructive interference,” Optics Letters 46, 4883 (2021).

9.Yaodong Wu, Lijuan Sheng, Linguo Xie, Sixian Li, Ping Nie, Yu Chen,Xinxing Zhou*, and Xiaohui Ling*, “Actively manipulating asymmetric photonic spin Hall effect with graphene,” Carbon 166, 396 (2020).

8.Xinxing Zhou#, Xiao Lin#*, Zhicheng Xiao, Tony Low, Andrea Alù, Baile Zhang*, and Handong Sun*, “Controlling photonic spin Hall effect via exceptional points,” Physical Review B 100, 115429 (2019).

7. Xinxing Zhou, Linguo Xie, Xiaohui Ling, Shijia Cheng, Zhiyou Zhang, Hailu Luo*, and Handong Sun*, “Large in-plane asymmetric spin angular shifts of a light beam near the critical angle,” Optics Letters 44, 207 (2019).

6. Xiaohui Ling#,Xinxing Zhou#, Kun Huang, Yachao Liu, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Hailu Luo*, and Shuangchun Wen, “Recent advances in spin Hall effect of light,”Reports on Progress in Physics 80, 066401 (2017). (SCI一区Top,IF=18.1)

5. Xiaohui Ling,Xinxing Zhou, Xunong Yi, Weixing Shu, Yachao Liu, Shizhen Chen, Hailu Luo, and Shuangchun Wen, “Giant photonic spin Hall effect in momentum space at a structured metamaterial with spatially varying birefringence,”Light: Science & Applications 4, e290 (2015). (SCI一区Top,IF=19.4)

4.Xinxing Zhou, Xing Li, Hailu Luo*, and Shuangchun Wen*, “Optimal preselection and postselection in weak measurements for observing photonic spin Hall effect,”Applied Physics Letters 104, 051130 (2014).

3.Xinxing Zhou, Jin Zhang, Xiaohui Ling, Shizhen Chen, Hailu Luo*, and Shuangchun Wen*, “Photonic spin Hall effect in topological insulators,” Physical Review A 88, 053840 (2013). (This work was selected by PRA as part of “Kaleidoscope”)

2. Xinxing Zhou, Xiaohui Ling, Hailu Luo*, and Shuangchun Wen*, “Identifying graphene layers via spin Hall effect of light,” Applied Physics Letters 101, 251602 (2012).

1. Xinxing Zhou, Zhicheng Xiao, Hailu Luo*, and Shuangchun Wen*, “Experimental observation of the spin Hall effect of light on a nanometal film via weak measurements,” Physical Review A 85, 043809 (2012).



1、 获2021年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)(自然科学二等奖,第三完成人)

2、 于2021-2023年连续3次入选斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”

3、 被国际权威期刊Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics编委会提名为2021年度本领域的“青年领军人(Emerging Leaders)”

4、 获2019年“湖南省光学进展奖”(第一完成人)

5、 获2016年纳米光学与等离子光学国际研讨会“Best Poster Award”

6、 获2015年湖南大学“优秀博士学位论文”

(二) 指导员工获奖

1、 杨锦同学获评2023年度“硕士研究生国家奖学金”

2、 盛丽娟同学获评2022年度湖南省“优秀硕士学位论文”

3、 吴耀东同学获评2022年度湖南师范大学“优秀硕士学位论文”

4、 赵旋同学获评2022年度湖南师范大学“优秀本科毕业论文”

5、 聂萍同学获评2022年度湖南师范大学“优秀毕业生”

6、 盛丽娟同学获评2021年度湖南师范大学“优秀硕士学位论文”

7、 聂萍同学获评2021年度湖南师范大学“研究生学业一等奖学金”

8、 孙晶晶同学获评2021年度湖南师范大学“优秀毕业生”

9、 孙晶晶同学获评2021年度湖南师范大学“优秀本科毕业论文”

10、 吴耀东同学获评2020年度湖南师范大学“研究生学业一等奖学金”

11、 孙晶晶同学获评2019年度湖南师范大学“优秀老员工创新性实验项目”

12、 盛丽娟同学获评2018年度“硕士研究生国家奖学金”

13、 盛丽娟同学获评2018年度湖南省“研究生创新性项目”

上一条:郑之伟 副教授

下一条:赵新民 副教授